Wednesday, October 20, 2004

How exciting to grow up

When children grow up, they mark their progress by going through grades; they graduate from kindergarten, elemantary school, etc.
But for infants, it is a whole different story. I believe that the main milestone for an infant's progress in life is the way she graduates from each diaper size. There is nothing more exciting than leaving the puny little size 1 diaper behind and embracing a more manly size 2. Currently I am at size 3, which is impressive for a 3-4 month old. But hey, don't make any judegements about my size, it is a free world, at least until I go to school.


Blogger Gilda said...

elaahi oon lopaa ro;)

9:25 PM  
Blogger Anar said...

so size does matter...interesting.

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hichi dar donya ghashngtar az khandeye to nist

1:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baba in khili naz shode ha. toop! khafan! khosh tip.

hezar ta boos ba feshare 1000 atmosphere!

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Miracle! Howady? Yer smile is soooooo catchy:X:X:*
Say hi to yer Mum n Dad for me n beware of the GALS!!:D-Niloofar

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Pahlevun!
man pelk mizanam, to do barabar mishi! intori ke digeh nemitoonim baham koshti begirim! :D - Amoo Arash

6:31 AM  

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