Oh, I forgot to tell you. Today, I am exactly three weeks old! I am really growing up, aren't I? But I haven't lost one bit of my hair at all. Again, my dad is getting jealous. Now, don't get ideas, my dad is not kachal or anything, but he can't compete with my hair! And he knows that. Now my mom is a different story. Well, she is not a boy, so there is not competition anyway.
Aaaaaaaah! I see honey! But apart from the hair, I wonder why babes are this "rouge"? From excitement maybe? Or it has got something to do with roses n rubies? Well, this is babes' business!
Wow..good to see that you listened to your uncle's advice and set up a weblog. You are sooooo cute.
Uncle Rodman
Look at this lovely young blogger! I should talk my daughter into blogging too!
By the way, precisely, How old r u, u young cute handsome gentleman? :X
agha deghat kardin: ishoon tippeshoon ye joorai too mayeye navabeghe, eine aks haye sokhanranihaye Noam Chomski mimoone, hamoonjoori jeddi va shaki !!! kheili bahale
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